Reception House under construction

Reception House under construction

At HOPE Rehabilitation center, A new Reception House is under construction.  Participation from those living in Rehab center The old house at the enterence has been demolished to make way for a new construction project. “The new one is being constructed on the...
Recovery of Jay Ye’ Wu

Recovery of Jay Ye’ Wu

In a heartwarming turn of events, Jay Ye Wu, a resident of Tanai in Kachin State, has triumphed over a peculiar skin ailment that once afflicted him. Before After Pastor Ye Shwe accompanied him from Tanai to Yangon Saya Nelson accompanied him to Yangon Children...
DUP at Mulashidi Bible School

DUP at Mulashidi Bible School

On September 29, 2023, the HOPE team organized a Drug Use Prevention and awareness-raising event at Mulashidi Bible School, attracting the active participation of 100 attendees. These 100 active participants, who hold prominent roles within their churches, will play a...
DUP sport activity in Putao

DUP sport activity in Putao

The DUP sports event at Putao District Stadium concluded successfully on September 19, 2023. Twenty-two football clubs participated in the competition, and Agape FC defeated Unity FC with a score of 5-1.