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HOPE team meets with AFDA team

HOPE team meets with AFDA team

On September 15, 2023 HOPE team had meeting with AFDA team in Yangon to find ways to empower Putao local farmers. Meeting with AFDA HOPE team visitsAFDA office "We are advocating the mindset that farming as not only for self consuming but also as a business" Saya Ant...

HOPE team visits Hlegu IDPs

HOPE team visits Hlegu IDPs

On September 15, 2023 HOPE team visited IDPs in Hlegu and shared snacks, noodles, books and Fedwell nutrition packs. Ed's car plunged into a pool of water. Got a hard time to remove the car from the pool.

HOPE team joins UNODC briefing event

HOPE team joins UNODC briefing event

On Aug 29, 2023 HOPE team joined UNODC's briefing event held in Chatrium hotel in Yangon. HOPE team The event entitled Responding to drug use in IDP settings: Briefing session by UNODC and local partners. Saya Sweet with HOPE's vinyl poster Posters HOPE...

DUP activity at Marming

DUP activity at Marming

On 25th August 2023, HOPE team conducted DUP drug awareness at Marming high-school. Dr. Aung San Lin speaking on Drug Use Prevention

Strong Family Program

Strong Family Program

Hope team conducted Strong Family Program for parents and children at Phatmardaa and Phatmarzut villages respectively in first and second week of August, 2023. Parents learning children psychology and ways to guide their children Parents and children learned...

ADAPT lesson learned sharing event

ADAPT lesson learned sharing event

ADAPT Project Lesson Learned Dissemination Event with Local Partners was held online on August 16, 2023. The highlight of the event was the presentation on lessons learned from the ADAPT Project, delivered by Dr. Thandar Tun and Dr. Aung San Lin. The comprehensive and...

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